Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem - ReVEL
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Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem - ReVEL
Vol. 17 – number 16 - November de 2019 - ISSN 1678-8931
TOPIC: Pragmatics in Grammar - organized by Heronides Moura

Apresentação: Pragmática na gramática, Heronides Moura
Endearment, respect, and disdain through linguistic gender, Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
Extraction from weak islands: alternatives to the argument/adjunct distinction, Rafaela Miliorini
Grammatical gender and social relations, Guilherme Ribeiro Colaço Mäder & Heronides Moura
Telicity, Definiteness and Animacy: the factors behind Transitivity and differential object marking, Heronides Moura, Valéria Cunha dos Santos, Giuseppe Varaschin & Calawia Salimo
Unified accounts of English reflexives: history and prospects, Giuseppe Varaschin

All the articles published here are of the entire responsibility of the authors. The content of the articles published here represents the authors' opinion and points of view.

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